Wednesday, January 11, 2017

MEC to check earthquake resistance of Bagan pagodas in 2017

​A file photo shows Dhammayangyi Temple in Bagan, Mandalay Region.

The Myanmar Earthquake Committee (MEC) will check that pagodas in ancient Bagan, Nyang U District, Mandalay Region can withstand future temblors.

“Earthquakes shook Myanmar ancient pagodas last year, causing extensive damage. We take measures that the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) will renovate the damaged pagodas. And we will check the earthquake resistance of Bagan pagodas. We are currently assessing how to conduct these activities,” said U Myo Thant, the secretary of MEC.

“We will submit our suggestion on which pagodas need to be renovated based on the assessment to the department concerned.”

The earthquake on 24th August damaged 258 vaunted temples, 104 pagodas and 13 brick monasteries. MEC will lead the assessment activity in cooperation with Myanmar Engineering Society (MES).

Source : Global New Light of Myanmar

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