Monday, January 23, 2017

Ayeyawady dolphins population to be updated










Ayeyawady dolphins population to be updated.

To prevent the extinction of dolphins and to update their population in Ayeyawady River between Bhamo and Mandalay, a survey will be conducted by the Fisheries Department together with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), said U Han Win, a Dolphin Specialist from Mandalay Fisheries Department.
According to 2016 February data, there were 65 dolphins in Mandalay and Bhamo towns, three died within 2016.
“The Ayeyawady dolphins are listed as scarce species. We will update the population of dolphin this year because we want to know the exact number of dolphins to prevent their extinction, he added.
Although there are 25 dolphins in Mandalay area and 40 dolphins in Bhamo town, three dolphins died: one on 15 August, the other on 13 September and the third one on 13 November.
“Data will be collected with the use of a small boat and a ship. When they are searching the dolphin, they will use the GPS system, 7×50 mm lens, depth meter, sounder and cameras,” said the WCS manager. The Ayeyawady dolphins will come up to the water surface every 30 to 60 secs. The Ayeyawady dolphins do not jump like the sea dolphins, they only swim slowly, it is learnt.

Aung Thant Khine

Source : Global New Light of Myanmar

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