Sunday, March 5, 2017

Residents and social organisations want to build new jetty in Inle Lake

Visitors take a boat trip in Inle Lake, Nyaungshwe Township.

Inle Lake residents and social organisations want to implement a new jetty project in Inle Lake, Nyaungshwe Township, according to an official from the Save The Inle Lake organisation.

Inle Lake has attracted more tourists, both domestically and internationally, but problems have been reported in the use of motorboats because of the declining water level.

Although most visitors use motorboats to travel to floating villages, the water level has decreased too much in Inle Lake. Vessel walls are being built for the water channels, but construction of the walls has affected the transportation of lake dwellers and visitors by motorboats.

Construction of a new jetty could be built on the west bank of Inle Lake about three miles away from Nyaung Shwe Township. After the jetty is completed, visitors’ travelling would not only be more convenient, but export of agricultural goods from the lake such as tomatoes would also be easier.

Source : Global New Light of Myanmar

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