Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Himalaya Airlines launches commercial flights to Yangon


Himalaya Airlines has re-established direct links between Myanmar and Nepali on Mondays and Fridays.

Himalaya Airlines on Friday launched scheduled commercial flights to Yangon, Myanmar, its fourth destination since the operations started last year.
The airline said the flight to Myanmar is part of their initiative to strengthen direct connections with around 300,000 people of Nepali origin residing there.
The flight took off from Tribhuvan International Airport at 10:55 (local time) and touched down at Yangon International Airport, Yangon, at 14:15 (local time).
With the launch of twice weekly (Mondays and Fridays) flights, Himalaya Airlines has re-established direct links with Myanmar after a long gap. Previously, Union of Burma Airways used to operate flights between Yangon and Kathmandu.
Myanmar’s Ambassador to Nepal Lwin Oo, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Joint Secretary Suresh Acharya and Himalaya Airlines Vice President – Administration Vijay Shrestha were also onboard among passengers of the first flight.—GNLM

Source : Global New Light of Myanmar

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