Thursday, October 20, 2016

Museum at Mandalay Palace to be upgraded

Museum at Mandalay Palace also known as Myanansankyaw Shwenandaw. Photo: Aung Thant Khaing
THE MUSEUM at Mandalay Palace, also known as Myanansankyaw Shwenandaw, the last royal palace of Myanmar, will be upgraded this month with the financial assistance of families of the country’s armed forces.

Families of Myanmar’s Tatmadaw, headed by Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, contributed over Ks180 million for the project to upgrade the existing structure of the museum by experts, said U Nyo Tun Myint, director of the Department of Archaeology and National Museum (Mandalay Branch).

On behalf of the Tatmadaw families, Commander of Central Command Maj Gen Win Bo Shein presented Ks187.933 million to the department last Monday, with the authorities planning to spend the funds on maintenance of some halls of the palace in need of repair and renovation, he added.

The cultural museum is situated on the western side of the palace grounds, showcasing many ancient artifacts including clothing fashions, furniture and other household articles of the King and general that has become one of the tourist attractions of Myanmar.

Located in the heart of Mandalay City, the Great Golden Royal Palace was built by King Mindon in the 1850s, when he shifted his capital from Amarapura. —Aung Thant Khaing.

Source : Global New Light of Myanmar

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