Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Regional-based tourism earmarked for southern Myanmar villages


A village in Myeik Archipelago in southern Myanmar.
ELEVEN villages from Myanmar’s southern coastal region of Tanintharyi will conduct regional based tourism enterprises, according to the office of the Department of Hotels and Tourism.
The project, which has currently been submitted to union level government, will be implemented during the current 2016-17 fiscal year, it is known.
“Regional-based tourism is like a type of foreign investment. But, it must be conducted by local residents as it plays on regional development. It’s to allow for residents to become self-reliant. The Department of Hotels and Tourism will oversea the whole project.” said U Naing Win, director of the Department of Hotels and Tourism for Tanintharyi Region.
Traditional ethnic housing will be built in the eleven villages to accommodate tourists, while programs will be provided on traditional food, handicrafts and ethnic lifestyle and the environment which tourists will be able to study. There will be enterprises run by local residents themselves.
“Youth of the local communities will be required to attend hotel service hospitality trainings, and they need to have attended school up until at least fifth grade.
This initiative will also require guides who can explain the local region in detail. Tourism entrepreneurs will need to work together with local residents.
Any profits made will of course be spilt fifty-fifty between entrepreneurs and those local residents.” continued U Naing Win.
It is known that some of the eleven villages, selected for implementation of the aforementioned project, are located within areas still controlled by ethnic armed groups, while construction of at least four bedrooms will be included within traditional ethnic housing.
It is aimed that the end of this year will see the successful completion of the project of one of the villages which is located in the Dawei district of the region.
The villages that will provide region-based tourism are located in Dawei district: San Hlan, Nyaw Pyin, Metta and Hsinphyutaing; Myeik district: Uyinthaungkan, Donenyaunghmaing, Donekamarkyaung, Dahun; and Kawthaung district: Makyonega, Nyaungwi and Gyalan.

Source : Global New Light of Myanmar

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