Thursday, March 24, 2016

Growing need to conserve Monastery of Yaw Min Gyi U Pho Hlaing

The Brick Monastery donated by Yaw Min Gyi U Pho Hlaing in 1866. Photo: Maung Pyi Thu (Mdy)

THE Yaw Min Gyi Brick Monastery, donated by Yaw Min Gyi U Pho Hlaing in 1866 (1228 Myanmar Era) requires conservation because of destruction caused by rain and wind.
The monastery was burned down losing all its original wooden infrastructure and concrete rinceaux, there remained only the brick structure during the World War II as the Allied bombed in Mandalay in March 1945.
The wooden beams and floor of the monastery were replaced with concrete beams and concrete floor, and roofed with zinc sheets under the supervision of the Department of Archaeology under the Ministry of Culture in December 1998. Myanmar artists created a rinceaux to match the original. In 2013, according to the instructions of the Ministry of Culture, the Department of Archaeology carried out the work of installing a ceiling, a drainage around the monastery, the installation of doors and windows, Myanmar concrete rinceaux and wiring. The Ministry of Culture has designated the Yaw Min Gyi Brick Monastery as an ancient heritage building.  The Monastery should be renovated and have a garden to attract tourists from abroad and home to come and visit, said a tourist guide.

Source : Global New Light of Myanmar

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